
Petroleum– a renewable resource?

All of us got used to hear that petroleum it not a renewable resource of the nature.
But why this resource shouldn't be renewable? The majority of the scientific many countries is looked for long ago by alternative energy sources but while these researches didn't crown serious success. But still around the world petroleum - one of the main used energy resources. No, I not against alternative sources but why we forget about petroleum. After all receiving opening in the nature of petroleum would bring enormous money and to inventors and the country. As there is for example a photosynthesis process we know from school but as petroleum is formed isn't present! Interestingly and whether it is possible to transform photosynthesis to process of receiving petroleum chemically or other ways. Or to transform solar energy to hydrocarbons? After all as consider, 10% of solar energy – feed all live on our planet. The truth is much and questions: for example: what if to increase use of solar energy (we will tell not 10%, and 30%) how it will be reflected in the mass of a planet, in its trajectory of movement? or on the contrary: whether will give active burning of petroleum in a huge number to loss of weight of a planet?
Interestingly, also that if the problem of gravitation of the earth would be solved, petroleum consumption probably was reduced many times over. Moreover, the problem of transport traumatism would be solved probably too.
 To what all this? To that if actively to study receiving petroleum in the nature, the firm the inventor would be fantastically rich. These means for certain would suffice on development of such science as gerontology which at the corresponding financing could reach a victory over aging of the person.
Certainly, probably it would be easier to take simply physical force resources at petrol kings and to allocate financial funds for researches in gerontology, regenerative medicine, a cryonics. From it would win all and petrol kings also.

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