
Biomedical progress rates as the new source of economic growth

The revolution in information technology has irreversibly changed our lives over the past two decades. However, advances in biomedicine stand poised to eclipse the social and economic effects of IT in the near future.

“People are living longer, healthier lives, and this longevity boom is not going to stop any time soon. If we're to get to grips with the implications this will have for national economies, pension funds and society at large, we urgently need economic analysis of this trend. This paper is an insightful step in the right direction.”, - said Steven Burrill, CEO of Burrill & Co.

“Governments, pension funds and individuals that have the adaptive life span and life expectancy expectations based on historic trends are likely to be unprepared for these paradigm shifts. We proposed a set of parameters that may be used in several models of economic growth to account for these scenarios both in the transitionary period and in the long run.”, said Maria Litovchenko, the research associate at the Biogerontology Research Foundation and the graduate student at the Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich.

Biomedical innovations typically reach the mass market in much slower fashion than those from information technology. They follow a paradigm where neither demand, in the form of the consumer, nor supply, in the form of the innovator, can significantly accelerate the process.

However, in the near-term, unless the governments of the debt-laden developed countries make proactive policy changes, there is a possibility of lengthy economic decline and even collapse.

“John Maynard Keynes once said that in the long run we are all dead. Our model looks at the scenario, where some of us are alive in the long run. It also suggests that to grow the economy we need to make proactive policy changes and accelerate aging research as well as the propagation of biomedical advances from the laboratory into clinical practice.”, said Alex Zhavoronkov, the director of the Biogerontology Research Foundation.

“The contributions to life expectancy gains are blurred by the unhealthy behavior and environmental factors. However, in the near future we may see a revolution in longevity and we can either prepare for and accelerate the change or continue stimulating the economy using the Keynesian, monetarist or traditional neoclassical policies, run deeper into debt and face the dire consequences.”, he added.

The proposed model takes into account progress in the biomedical sciences, which in turn affects the size, growth and productivity of the population. In the model, the rate of biomedical progress is the sum of the rejuvenation rate, the rate at which the functions required to perform useful work that were lost to aging or disease are restored, and non-rejuvenating rate, which increases lifespan, but does not restore lost functions.

Joe Betts-lacroix, the executive director at Health Extension, said about the research: "A common concern about the dissemination of anticipated health-extending technologies worldwide is overpopulation.  However, only countries with low medical security have population growth.  Health-extending technologies will travel with overall medical technologies, and these will only reach countries as their incomes rise and their birth rates fall. In the western world, lower birth rates are automatically working to correct overpopulation. As reproductive lifespans increase (the maximum age at which women can give birth), women will wait longer to have their children, and population will continue to be regulated at a sustainable level."

The effects of population aging on economic growth remains a controversial topic in macroeconomics with conflicting schools of thought. While there are many models and simulations that account for population aging, new parameters introduced in this research may help enrich the models demonstrating both positive and negative effects of aging on the economy and help model scenarios that go beyond extending historic trends in longevity.

Commenting on the announcement Dr Joao Pedro de Magalhaes, researcher  at the University of Liverpool, said:With the graying of the world's population, and the massive resulting social and economic challenges, this type of work is very timely. A very important message from this work is that economists should take into account technological progress when making forecasts. This work also further emphasizes the absolute need for research on aging and rejuvenation to develop interventions that extends healthy lifespan which would result in unprecedented medical, social and economic gains.


The "UMA Foundation" introduces a new position

Science Press Secretary: The "UMA Foundation" introduces a new position

The press department of the "UMA Foundation" welcomes anyone who is interested in science, anyone who works in science and anyone who simply wishes to check out our news line!  One of the Fund’s main aims is to promote the work of young Russian scientists around the world. We’re proud to announce the introduction of a new position – the science press secretary, which is held by Tatiana Gneteeva (Gneteeva2013@gmail.com).

“Supporting the publication of research carried out by Russian scientists and publicizing their achievements in the mass media with the aim of raising the standing of Russian scientists abroad and promoting science to young people. I believe the new position of science press secretary will make a valuable contribution to the promotion of Russian science,” said A. Chapman, director of the "UMA Foundation".

The new post was created in response to the growing demand for effective communication between scientists, serious scientific journals and the popular mass media. The science press secretary will act as a link between scientific magazines by working closely with editors, scientists and popular science journalists in Russia and beyond to promote and popularize the research and discoveries of young Russian scientists around the world. The responsibilities of the science press secretary include:

Ø  Interacting with the press secretaries of popular as well as specialist scientific magazines in Russia and abroad, supporting young scientists and researchers in  scientific institutes and helping to get scientific works  published in the scientific media, and raising the prestige of Russian science in the process;

Ø  Quality control of scientific publications, correction of articles in accordance with the magazine’s house style,  consultative work;

Ø  Cross-light of articles in the press and mailing to relevant scientists to raise the amount of citations for Russian scientists.

“In Russia there is a severe shortage of young scientists with a biomedical education who are able to turn the material published in the complex scientific articles into material that may be interesting and comprehensible for the general public. There are even fewer people, who can interact professionally with the editors of reputable scientific journals, popular press and mass media, in Russia and abroad, and also to interact with laboratories and clinical scientists. Many respectable science journals are concerned about the newsworthiness and popularity of the papers they publish.  The articles they publish should not only adhere to the highest standards, they should also appeal to a wide readership and provoke debate in other scientific publications and the popular mass media. Many American and European universities have professional press departments tasked with popularizing research and boosting their ratings. Tatiana Gneteeva, the newly appointed the "UMA Foundation" science press secretary, has a medical education as well as experience with science projects and promoting scientific articles, which she gained during the two years she spent on our courses for young scientists," says Alexander Zhavoronkov, the adjunct professor of Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, and head of the laboratory of regenerative medicine at the D. Rogachev Centre of Pediatric Hematology, Oncology and Immunology.

Contact to Gneteeva Tatiana by email: Gneteeva2013@gmail.com

About “UMA” Foundation (www.funduma.ru)

The “UMA” Foundation is one of the leading non-profit organizations in Russia that supports young scientists and promotes scientific research. It was set up to revitalize Russian science and to encourage renewed enthusiasm and passion for science and innovation – values that are sometimes lacking in the younger generation. The foundation is governed by leading academics, heads of universities and prominent business people. Among its many other activities, the organization supports the “First Open Institute for Regenerative Medicine for Young Scientists”, a rapidly growing volunteer initiative that was set up by expatriate scientists as a means of providing hundreds of young scientists with weekly lectures by leading international thinkers as well as promoting goal-oriented scientific collaboration.