Dmitry Kaminskiy, senior partner of Hong Kong-based technology venture fund, Deep Knowledge Ventures, and Dr. Alex Zhavoronkov, PhD, CEO of bioinformatics company Insilico Medicine Inc.
which specializes in drug discovery and drug repurposing for aging and
age-related diseases, signed a wager to indicate exactly how sure they
are that science is turning the tide against the eternal problem of
human aging.
The terms go like this:
- If one of the parties passes away before the other, $1 million dollars in Insilico Medicine stock will be passed to the surviving party- The agreement will vest once both parties reach 100 years- Parties agree not to accelerate each other's demise (i.e. try to kill each other)
"Longevity competitions may be a great way to combat both
psychological and biological aging," Dr. Zhavoronkov emailed me. "I hope
that we will start a trend." He sees longevity bets catching on around
the world, and thinks if people will embrace competition to live longer,
they may leave behind a global culture that largely accepts aging and
human death as a given.
Kaminskiy agrees. "I would really like to make similar bets with Bill
Gates, Elon Musk or Mark Zuckerberg so they could live longer lives and
create great products, but I don't think they will be worthy competitors
on longevity," he wrote me in an email. "But I would like to challenge
Sergey Brin and Larry Page to a similar competition due to their
seemingly high interest in the sphere and Calico project."
There's been a plethora of activity recently in the longevity field,
also known as life extension science, the practice of trying to find
ways to stop aging and disease. Its supporters are often called life
extensionists, transhumanists, and immortalists, and they aim to use
medical discoveries in regenerative medicine, stem cells, tissue
rejuvenation, molecular repair, pharmaceuticals, and organ replacement as means to live longer.
reported that Dr. Aubrey de Grey, a leading biomedical gerontologist
and chief scientist at SENS Research Foundation, thinks scientists may
be able to control aging in the near future, "I'd say we have a 50/50
chance of bringing aging under what I'd call a decisive level of medical
control within the next 25 years or so."
The last two years have seen the creation of major anti-aging
companies, such as Google's Calico and J. Craig Venture's new San
Diego-based genome sequencing start-up
Human Longevity Inc., (co-founded with Peter Diamandis of the X-Prize
Foundation and stem cell pioneer Robert Hariri) which already has 70
million dollars in financing. Billionaires like Larry Ellison and Peter Thiel are also funding research into longevity science.
There's a growing stream of anti-aging studies, discoveries, and projects appearing in science journals and major media—the US political Transhumanist Party has made dedicating national resources to life extension science its top priority for Americans.
"Seems like a new investment boom is coming, resembling the Dot Com boom," Kaminskiy told me.
So is this kind of longevity wager just a gimmick, or can it actually
help anti-aging science out? Andrew Garazha, an analyst at England-based
biotechnology and regenerative medicine company Aging Analytics, who witnessed the bet and first told me about the story, explained the significance in an email:
The bet signifies:1. We are very confident that lifespans will be extended dramatically2. Competing for longevity provides extra incentives to take care of our health today and try various approaches to extend lifespans3. Competing for longevity provides extra motivation to live
Of course other bets, competitions, and races are more well-known: The X
Prize competition, the Soviet and American race to the moon during the
Cold War, and even IBM's Deep Blue beating Gary Kasparov in chess. This
match-up was originally spurred by a competition, in which the IBM team
won the $100,000 prize.
Longevity competitions themselves may seem new and futuristic, but they
have some historical precedence. A moderately popular investment
annuity plan in Europe in the 18th and 19th centuries called tontines encouraged competition to live longer by giving investment funds of deceased participants to living participants.
A more well-known longevity bet was made by 90-year-old Jeanne Calment
and attorney Andre-Francois Raffray. The agreement was that Raffray
would pay her a monthly amount of $500 while she was living—but he would
inherit her apartment after she died. Given her old age, it seemed like
a prudent business move. But Calment went on to become a
supercentenarian, dying at 122.5 years, which is now the longest
confirmed lifespan of any human being on record. Ironically, Raffray
died before Calment, but not before paying double what the apartment was
If the bet between Kaminsky and Zharvorokov seems a like a way to
generate publicity hype for longevity science, that's because it is. But
like many other longevity leaders, they are not in this to for money or
fame. They are doing this for a singular and extremely human reason:
They don't want to die. And they want others to know that—in the 21st
Century, an age spilling over with new radical science, medicine, and
technology—they might not have to either.
"Technology is evolving so fast," Kaminskiy said, "that I have no doubt
that we will be able to live centuries instead of decades."